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Our First Catechist Formation Day - 30th October 2021


Deo gratias! We were delighted to hold our first Faith on Fire Formation Day last Saturday, 30th October 2021. It was just great to finally meet the first Faith on Fire panel of catechists, in person, after all the pandemic-related delays.

People travelled from Belfast, Derry, Cork, Roscommon, Wexford, Kildare, Dublin, Galway, all with a shared passion for evangelisation, for the first of these Faith on Fire Formation Days that will be a characteristic of our mission into the future.

In the beautiful and very appropriate surroundings of St Saviour's Dominican Priory, we prayed, laughed, ate and learned together. We heard inspiring presentations from Joe McKeown, Fr Terence Crotty, Petra Conroy, Rosemary Swords and Paula McKeown. We were able to celebrate the Eucharist in the beautiful St Saviour's Church and ended the day by joining the Dominican Community for sung Vespers.

Looking Ahead

Soon we will begin sending our catechists out in ones and twos to help fan the flame of adult faith formation, initially in parishes within reach of their home base, and as we grow in the years ahead, to more and more parishes across Ireland.

Join our mailing list if you'd like to hear more about the day and about our plans for the months ahead:

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