Faith on Fire Team delighted with response to Call for Catechists
The first Faith on Fire 'Call for Evangelisers' was a huge step for our new adult faith initiative, and our team were really delighted and encouraged by the huge response and with the very high standard of the applications received to join our first panel of evangelisers.
We have spent the last few weeks carefully discerning how best to weave together the impressive range of skills, talents and experience available to us so as to best achieve our vision for the project as a whole.
In the coming days we will begin to respond directly to each applicant: we have already sent two update emails since the deadline passed, so if you applied to join the panel and haven't heard anything from us since then, please get in touch either by direct messaging here or by email at
As you can imagine, the Covid situation has impacted on our planned timeline but we have resolved to continue moving forward step by step, full of hope and also with prudence. Our email to all who applied will have details of how we plan to proceed, and even these plans may be subject to changes in levels of restriction.
We'd be grateful for your prayers that we can continue our mission to be a support and boost to adult faith development in parishes around our country, in spite of current challenges.
Our new website and logo are almost ready and we're looking forward to sharing them with you soon.
Watch this space! (Sneak preview in the image ...)